Our mission is to provide a safe learning environment that is supportive of our students' potential as they develop academically and socially.  We strive to bridge the gap between what the students know and what they need to know.  We commit to building background knowledge, to scaffolding instruction, to providing a spectrum of materials and to giving ample time for cooperative interactions for all student.  We recognize that all students are capable of achieving high expectations while we celebrate all growth in learning as a success.  We are dedicated to working with parents and the community to ensure a strong educational foundation.

Mrs. Ruthlee Caloiaro, Principal
Mr. Shelby Tuttle, Assistant Principal

Ms. Julie Ammerman, Office Manager
Mrs. Heather Stagliano, Office Specialist

Ms. Ann Dankworth, Registered Nurse

April Showers Bring

May Flowers!


Happy spring Mark Twain families! The end of the year is just around the corner, and with that testing will begin this month.  SBAC testing begins April 18, 2017 and it will finish April 28th. Please be sure to have your students here at school on time and ready for testing.


Our second annual Color Run will be on April 22, 2017. It will take place at Mills Park, please sign-up and support Mark Twain Elementary! The school district has decided that students will not be making-up missed days due to inclement weather, the last day of school will be June 2nd.


Here are some test taking tips for your students:


For many of us, the real stress begins when a test actually starts. Here are some important ways to manage that stress and do your best on an exam:

Show up on time. Get the test off to the best possible start by getting there on time. Arriving late might make you feel rushed and nervous, and arriving too early could give you time to sit there and worry about things.




Read the directions. Take a minute to read the test instructions, if there are any, before you get started. This will keep you from making simple mistakes and guarantee that you won't have to waste time going back and redoing any work because you didn't understand the directions.

Don't rush. Try to keep a good pace-but never rush through a question. Make sure you understand what is being asked, then make sure you think clearly about your answer. If the question is multiple-choice, read every single possible answer before you decide which one is the best. Choice A might seem good at first glance, but sometimes the best answer is another one. You can only know which choice is best if you read them all before you answer.

Focus on the stuff you know. What happens if you come across a question that absolutely stumps you or seems impossible to answer? Well, since most tests are timed, you should probably skip a question like this and move on to the next one. After all, you don't want to spend ten minutes on a super-hard question, only to have time run out so you have to leave easier questions blank. In other words: if you get stuck, don't stay stuck. Pass on the questions and come back if you have time. You might come up with the answer to the hard question while you're answering an easier one!

Use all your time. If you happen to finish the test before time is up, don't sit there staring into space. Go back over the questions, especially the ones that seemed hard, and check your work. Fixing obvious mistakes can help boost your grade, and is way better than just waiting for the clock to run out.

And finally-one more important thing. Once the test is over, try not to think about it for a while. Instead of worrying and fretting about what grade you might get, reward yourself for making it through the test. You can't do anything to change your grade now, and more tests will come along soon-so just enjoy the fact that you're finished with one.


umbrella   puddles


                     Safe and Respectful Learning Environment


Free From Bullying or Cyber-Bullying

The Carson City School District does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability and age, and it provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups.  The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the District’s non-discrimination policies: Title IX and 504 Coordinator, 1402 W. King Street, Carson City, NV 89703, (775) 283-2130. 

mark twain

Posted on 03/21/2018
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Upcoming Events

Notes from the Front Office:

Am I too Sick to go to School?

Cold and Flu season will soon be upon us. Here are some tips to keep in mind, and help you decide if you need to keep your child home in order to control the spread of communicable diseases in the classroom.


Child has vomited in the last 24 hours

 Fever of 99.6 or above (school must send student home for fevers of 100.0+)
Obvious severe cold symptoms (runny nose, nasal congestion, persistent chronic cough or sore throat)

 Eyes red, itchy, draining or matted shut in the morning. These are symptoms of Conjunctivitis & Pink Eye, usually contagious and needs to be treated by your physician.

 If your child needs special health care or medication during school time, please follow the School Medication Policy or contact the school nurse for more information at 283-1003.


If your student stays home please remember to contact the school attendance line at 283-1000 to excuse your child’s absence.



Congratulations to Mrs. Christina Bourne for being nominated as Mark Twain Certified Employee of the Year and Mrs. Heather Stagliano for being nominated as Mark Twain Classified Employee of the Year! Thank you for your hard work, dedication, and team work!

chrissy    heather